October 2023

Mahaleb cherry Between aromas and perfumes 🌳🌸


Mahaleb cherry Between aromas and perfumes Mahaleb cherry, also called St Lucie cherry (Prunus mahaleb) flowers in late April. It is a non-thorny, highly branched shrub that reaches 2 to 5 meters, sometimes even more. The white flowers with 5 petals , very fragrant, are arranged in a corymbose inflorescence and are visited by bees who obtain a fine honey . The pea-sized fruits are first yellow, then red and finally black when ripe. They are very bitter and sour, they are not edible for humans but are sought after by birds. The mahaleb cherry thrives well on arid and [...]

Mahaleb cherry Between aromas and perfumes 🌳🌸2024-08-02T17:35:07+02:00

Common poppy


Common poppy "All silk and flame: a scarlet cup... like a burning coal falling from heaven’s altars.” (John Ruskin) The common poppy (scientific name Papaver rhoeas) was once the inseparable companion of the cornflower in wheat fields. Selective herbicides have made the poppies that used to redden among the wheat spikes disappear : in fact, they are considered weeds. The poppy is an herbaceous plant of the Papaveraceae family, standing 20-60 cm tall, with large and solitary red flowers. It grows wild along pathways near walls, in the countryside, in meadows, and can even be seen along the edges of [...]

Common poppy2023-10-25T12:51:33+02:00

Icarus – An elegant blue dress


Icarus - An elegant blue dress The Icarus butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) is one of the most common European butterflies; small and striking, it belongs to the Lycaenidae family. The male is of a vibrant blue color , while the female can range from dark brown to blue. It mainly inhabits plains and hills, rarely venturing beyond 1800 meters in altitude. The caterpillars feed on many species of legumes, such as clover . Did you know? The caterpillars of Icarus are often tended to by ants , thanks to their sugary secretions; sometimes, the ants carry the larvae to their own [...]

Icarus – An elegant blue dress2023-10-25T11:27:47+02:00

Planting installations with root ball of entomophilous herbaceous species


Planting installations with root ball of entomophilous herbaceous species (i.e., pollinated by insects) typical of species-rich hay meadows. We are near the former landfill of Ca' Perale, Mirano (VE). #LIFEprogramme #pollinators #bees #impollinatori #API United Nations Biodiversity LIFE Greenchange LIFE 4 Pollinators Ca' Foscari Sostenibile Life BEEadapt

Planting installations with root ball of entomophilous herbaceous species2023-10-16T11:20:25+02:00

12th European Entomology Congress ECE 2023 in Crete


From 16 to 21 October, PollinAction researchers Edy Fantinato and Sebastiano Favarin will participate in the 12th European Entomology Congress ECE 2023 in Crete! This is a great opportunity to meet researchers and projects working on habitat restoration and pollinator conservation and compare ideas and experiences. Edy Fantinato will present a research on interactions between Apis mellifera and other pollinators in hay meadows while Sebastiano Favarin will bring a poster on the effects of the management of hay meadows on the pollinator community that inhabit them. LIFE Programme #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUpollinators #Natura2000 #pollinators #bees United Nations Biodiversity LIFE Greenchange LIFE [...]

12th European Entomology Congress ECE 2023 in Crete2023-10-16T11:12:37+02:00

Wild privet


Wild privet Perfumes and poisons Wild privet (Ligustrum vulgare, Oleaceae family) is a very dense shrub, growing up to 5 meters tall. The leaves are dark green and turn violet in the autumn. The leaves remain on the plant during the winter along with the fruits, small pea-sized black berries that are highly toxic. In May, the wild privet is covered in a very rich bloom with white panicles that emit a sweet, intense fragrance, attracting bees and other insects in search of nectar. Wild privet can be found in clumps or isolated in sparse forests, at the edges of [...]

Wild privet2023-10-16T11:04:18+02:00

Hemp agrimony


Hemp agrimony Hemp agrimony (scientific name Eupatorium cannabinum) is a large and beautiful perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, typically growing over 90 cm tall. Its name derives from the resemblance of its leaves to those of common hemp, although they are not related. The stems are reddish, and the tiny flowers are antique pink , lightly fragrant, clustered in heads to form large inflorescences. Pollination occurs through bees and butterflies These plants add splashes of color along rivers, in marshy areas, and in the forests of wetlands. In fact, their presence in an understory is an indicator of soil [...]

Hemp agrimony2023-10-16T11:00:56+02:00

Oedemera nobilis


Oedemera nobilis The insect with swollen thighs... This elongated-bodied beetle has a beautiful metallic green color, often with golden or coppery highlights. It measures 7-10 mm in length, and the male is characterized by greatly enlarged hind leg femurs. In spring and summer, it feeds on the pollen and nectar of various flower species , particularly favoring the common daisy and umbellifers. Adults can be observed in large numbers, but the larvae are more difficult to find as they hide in the dead wood of various plants. Did you know? The name Oedemera derives from Greek, meaning swollen thigh; nobilis, [...]

Oedemera nobilis2023-10-03T09:24:06+02:00
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