Field maple 

Fruits with wings 

The field maple (Acer campestre, Aceraceae family) is a tree that reaches 12 meters in height (sometimes even 20 meters) but is usually smaller, similar to a large shrub.
In May, the small yellow-green flowers
appear, clustered in corymbs (inflorescences similar to umbrellas).

The fruits of these trees have some kind of wings
that allow the seeds to move away from the parent plant.

The field maple is common in mixed deciduous woods, in hilly areas and in low mountains. It is also used for the formation of hedges, as it tolerates pruning very well, even when done extensively.
This maple is a slow growing tree and can live for over 200 years.

Maple wood is also suitable for making violins
. The renowned violin maker Antonio Stradivari (17th century) was the first to use a maple bridge to support the strings.

Photo Pixabay