Small tortoiseshell
One of the most common European butterflies 

The Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) is a butterfly with bright colors – brick-red with black and yellow-orange patches alternated, adorned with a series of blue spots on the wing edges. It belongs to the Ninphalydae family and is widespread in Europe, particularly in mountainous regions, even at high altitudes. The yellow and black
caterpillars feed on nettles.

During winter, the adult butterflies go into a sort of hibernation
, often found inside buildings or houses. And it is one of the first butterflies to wake up at the end of winter.

The caterpillars build a single silken nest on the highest point of nettle plants. They retreat into the nest when the weather is rainy
, but they go out together when the sun comes back.

Photo Pixabay