Manna ash The Manna Tree 

The manna ash (scientific name Fraxinus ornus) is a tree native to southern Europe and can reach a height of 24 meters.
The flowers
appear before the leaves and are grouped in panicles. They are small, cream-white, fragrant flowers with 4 petals.

The fruits are called samaras, composed of a seed wrapped in a kind of wing.
It thrives in sunny areas, with hot summers and mild winters, and is often associated with the Mediterranean scrubland. This plant, considered a pioneer species, is useful in reforestation in challenging environments and is also appreciated as an ornamental plant.

Sometimes, the manna ash emits a sweetish liquid, “manna”
, from the cracks in its bark; the liquid contains an alcohol, mannitol, which can be turned into a slightly laxative syrup.

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#Fraxinus #mannaash #pollinators #bees
Photo Nedelin, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.