To mend broken bones… 

Comfrey (scientific name Symphytum officinale) is an herbaceous plant of the Boraginaceae family. Its stems, reaching heights of up to 120 cm, rise at the edges of ditches, streams, and very damp areas. The pendulous and bell-shaped flowers 
are gathered in panicles and can be white-purple, pink, or violet, but always of the same color in each plant.

This plant has a long corolla, and only insects 
with a long mouth apparatus can reach the nectar. Sometimes smaller Hymenoptera
are forced to pierce the flower wall, and when this happens, the insect does not come into contact with the anther, and therefore, there is no pollination.

As far back as 2000 BC, it was believed to have the property of healing wounds and mending broken bones 


#LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUpollinators #Natura2000
#Symphytum #Comfrey #pollinators #bees
Photo Pixabay